Annual Report

Statement of Condition
December 31, 2023

Assets ($000)
Cash and Due From Banks $21,561
Investment Securities $150,364
Real Estate Mortgage Loans $228,434
Other Loans $4,280
Premises and Fixed Assets $3,333
Other Assets $54,376
Total Assets $462,348

Liabilities & Net Worth Accounts ($000)
Money Market Management Accounts $5,781
Savings Deposits $133,765
Time Deposits $22,732
Checking Accounts, NOW Accounts, and Other Demand Deposits $134,152
Other Liabilities $51,097
Net Worth $114,821
Total Liabilities & Net Worth Accounts $462,348

Statement of Income & Changes in Net Worth
December 31, 2023

Current Operating Income ($000)
Interest on Mortgage and Other loans $10,509
Interest on Dividends on Securities $4,926
Other Interest and Dividends $1,542
Miscellaneous Income $7,287
Total Current Operating Income $24,264

Current Operating Expense ($000)
Salaries and Benefits $7,232
Occupancy Costs $1,292
Other Expenses $6,390
Total Current Operating Expense $14,914

Net Income for Period ($000)
Net Current Operating Income before Taxes and Interest $9,350
Franchise and Income Tax Expense (Benefit) $475
Interest Paid $1,901
Total Net Income for Period $6,974

Reconciliation of Net Worth
December 31, 2023

Net Worth ($000)
Net Worth as of 12/31/22 $103,199
Net Additions to Net Worth $6,974
Other Comprehensive Income $4,648
Total Net Worth as of 12/31/23 $114,821